If police are carrying arms as a matter of course then doesn't it encourage criminals to carry them? 如果警察每天理所当然地携带武器,这难道不会促使罪犯也持械吗?
No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple. 携带武器者不得进入神殿的界域。
In perhaps their most audacious act, Somali pirates have boarded a Ukrainian ship carrying arms. 索马里海盗最近登上一艘载有武器的乌克兰船只,这可能是他们至今采取的最嚣张的行动。
The 38-year-old, who kept a firm grip on his daughters ankles, at other times was seen carrying her in front of his face while wrapping his arms around her. 这位38岁的爸爸紧紧抓着女儿的脚踝,有时也会把她放到到胸前,两臂交叉环抱。
Also Thursday, European Union Member States reached a deal on a new package of sanctions on Syria, including ordering Member States to search ships and planes suspected of carrying arms to the country, European diplomats said. 此外,欧洲外交人士说,欧盟成员国周四就针对叙利亚的一揽子新制裁措施达成协议,其中包括下令成员国搜查被怀疑向该国运送武器的船只和飞机。
Yan Lin was carrying his son in his arms after she had sat for a while, she relieved him by taking the plump child into her arms. 颜林是抱着儿子来的;她坐了一会儿以后,就帮忙把那个胖儿子抱了过来。
Refer to carrying in one's arms. 并不是指用双手去抱。
"We are happy. I ask Diego to keep going," said one fan, carrying his son in his arms. 我们非常开心。我请求老马继续留任。一位抱着孩子的球迷说。
People carrying baby and the lower limb disabled are declined. She rocked the baby in her arms. 谢绝怀抱婴儿、下肢残疾者乘坐。她怀里抱着婴儿晃动。
The charges are carrying arms for the enemy in a time of war. 罪名是在战时为敌军服役。
From that day on, they walked into the classroom carrying defeat on their shoulders the way other students carried textbooks under their arms. 从那天起,其他同学是夹着书本来上课,而他们却带着“失败”的思想负担来上课。
No carrying her in his arms as an infant. 在她婴儿时期,他的臂腕拥抱着她。
She cites a case in2008 when the group successfully lobbied for countries to prohibit a ship carrying arms to Zimbabwe from using their territorial waters. 她引用了2008年的一个案例。当时,该组织成功地说服各国禁止运输武器前往津巴布韦的船只进入他们的水域。
As I passed along, I somewhat sensed the presence of a child by the roadside carrying something snow white in his arms. 一边走着,似乎道旁有一个孩子,抱着一堆灿白的东西。
In my dream I was carrying a small child in my arms down a long road. 梦中我抱着一个小孩走在一条漫漫长路上。
She rushed in bareheaded, carrying him in her arms, with his knee all beautifully bandaged, and was so sympathetic and beautiful that my wife was too dazzled to ask her name. 她那么有同情心,又那么漂亮,让我妻子惊讶得昏头昏脑,竟没有问她的姓名。
One television channel showed a fireman carrying in his arms what seemed to be the mangled remains of a child. 一个频道的新闻拍到一名消防队员疑似抱出一名受伤的幸存儿童。
A woman carrying her child in her arms points out the damaged part of her house, as if making sure that we take notice of how she has had to suffer living in a house with a large hole on one side. 一个女人手里抱著孩子,指给我们看她被毁的房子,很想我们知道她住在有一个大洞的房子里,是多麽的痛苦。
He was like death, carrying her away in arms that hurt. 他就像死亡一样,狠狠地抱着她,要把她带走。
The women were carrying on their arms large baskets, from which the heads of chickens or ducks stuck out. 妇女们在胳膊上挽着大篮子,那里面的鸡或鸭探出头来。
For upper extremity symptoms, these may include neck turning, coughing, driving, sleeping, carrying a heavy shoulder bag, or any prolonged or forceful use of the hands or arms. 上肢症状包括可因:转动颈部、咳嗽、驾驶、睡眠、肩膀背负重物、太久或用力使用手或手臂造成。
And itwasnt a civilian ship, it was carrying arms for sale. 卢西塔尼亚号不是一条民船,而是武装商船。
The Stark Industries weapons the terrorists are carrying are actual weapons, but mostly made by German arms firm Heckler& Koch. 恐怖分子们搬运的斯塔克制造公司的武器都是真实的,但是大部分是产自德国H&K公司。
Carrying the twins in her arms, she wandered far away through cold and desolate lands. 拉多娜双手抱着这对孪生兄妹,到遥远的地方流浪,经过一些寒冷蛮荒的地方。
The red circle with the X through it on the windshield of this NGO vehicle means it is carrying no arms. 这辆汽车的挡风玻璃上印有的红色X标记暗示着这辆汽车没有运载武器。